
Document Scanning

We can make it possible for you to search and retrieve electronically any piece of paper. In turn, this will make your staff more effective and will save time and money in finding those documents that would otherwise be lost or mislaid. Further savings can be made on the office space and overheads required to store paperwork.

We are able to scan any size, color, weight or type of document using our high speed specialist scanners. In addition to normal documents we scan scan books without removing or chopping off the spine using a specialist book scanner.

We scan in excess of 35,000,000 pieces of paper per year for clients; ranging from small companies through to large multinationals. Our experience and expertise makes us the obvious choice for your scanning requirements.

Our Commitment

Documan takes every precaution with clients data, during transit, storage and document processing.

Occasionally, as with all processes that involve human interaction there can be mistakes made, whether it be a miss-scanned document or an incorrectly typed entry during data capture.

We would however, like to assure customers that our processes are intended to reduce this risk to as much as possible.

In these circumstances, Documan can only assure its customers that every effort, at our expense, shall be taken to rectify the problem.

Documan will not walk away from its obligations.

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Quality Processes

To ensure we scan every piece of paper that is sent to us to the required specification we have implemented procedures well in advance of those required by ISO 9002; our operation has to be absolutely perfect every minute, every hour and every day. We are so sure of our methods that we invite clients to come and see them for themselves prior to releasing their documents to us.

During transit we ensure that every box is tightly sealed, we then tie the boxes to the bed of the lorry. This ensures that in the event of an accident the paperwork is not scattered. Furthermore, we only collect from one client at a time to reduce the risk of cross contamination of clients documents.

In most cases, rather than emptying filing cabinets which can cause confusion and loss of documents, we will simply remove the entire cabinet - as well as reducing risk this will give the client an immediate space saving.

In all cases, we shall provide collection and delivery notes which detail the movement of documents. It is vitally important when managing clients documents that a tracking procedure is implemented. This allows for full accountability not just for transportation but through all of the document processing stages.

Document security is a major concern for many clients. What will happen to their documents when they arrive at the bureau’s offices? To alleviate your concerns our building is monitored by internal and external CCTV. We have perimeter fencing and electronic security access to all section of the building. We are the only bureau that has a rumble strip around our building - an advanced structural security feature, which trips an alarm should an ram raid or tampering of the structure should occur.

We strongly believe that you would be hard pushed to find a bureau that offers this level of service and security at the prices we will charge. We have considered every aspect of quality, security, transportation, logistics and storage to ensure the safe processing of your documentation.

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